White Research is a social research enterprise specializing in consumer behaviour in the fields of Agriculture, Energy, Health, ICT, Transport, and other related sectors and sub-fields. The company addresses business strategy, policy, market and user related issues through an array of diverse analytic tools. More specifically, WHITE mines and interprets hardto-grasp consumer insights through a combination of modern analytics, marketing research and evaluation methods, and uses this knowledge in designing efficient communication and dissemination actions that put the end-user at the centre of the decision making process.
The company employs several collective intelligence research methods and techniques such as crowd sourcing and co-creation workshops. Within this context, White Research carries relevant experience in collecting and analysing surveyed or experimental user related data and turning asymmetric information to meaningful advices and recommendations. In addition, WHITE specializes in the design and evaluation of innovation and business modelling with a keen eye on social innovation and entrepreneurship. WHITE possesses valuable know-how and expertise in offering business support and innovation management services in relation to business modelling and planning, market analysis and risk analysis, and supports the
commercial exploitation and market uptake of research results and innovations.
Through its core staff, WHITE has access to a wide-ranging expertise and significant experience in translating research to realistic policy and business recommendations, thus enabling a hybrid Marketing Research - Management Consulting model, as well as linkages to several EU-related interested civic society groups and networks.